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Cool little arcade game, although a bit repetetive

Cool game ! It fits well the theme. Perhaps in the remaining time consider adding other enemies with other motifs. Because as it is now, I think the gameplay loop can quickly become boring. 

If you want to test back our game for the GMTKGame Jam 2024 : Feed The Beast. Feedbacks are appreciated too. 

Thank you! If I have enough time, I might add another enemy type with different behavior to the final version, but considering that might also introduce new bugs, I might just leave it as is. I'll definitely play your game once the jam is over!

I want autofire

Good concept, but I feel the execution could use a bit of work. 

I like the vibrant colors and geometric shapes but the checker pattern is not easy on the eyes.

I really wish I could hold to shoot rather than clicking a ton.

I'm also not sure how to get points. I killed quite a few enemies but my points never got higher than 10. Some clarity around scoring would go a long way.

I found that if I lured the red guys towards each other they would fight each other and I could snipe them from afar. Which was actually pretty fun, but feels unintentional?

It's good bones but needs a bit more time to cook.

Autofire is planned for the final version. Every second, your score is incrementeel by your size, so stay as large as possible for as long as possible. Enemies targeting each other is intentional, because as more spawn it would become impossible very quickly if they're all targeting you.